Projects Details

Nalhati-I ICDS Project has been running by our Institute at Nalhati-I Development Block in cooperation with Government of West Bengal since March 1998.

353 nos. of Anganwadi Centres are running in the Project mostly at Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Minority dominated areas.24 nos of Anganwadi centres has also been sanctioned by the Department of Women & Child Development and Social Welfare. The Anganwadi Workers and Helpers are working for benefit and all round development of children of age group 0-6 years, pregnant and Lactating mothers.

During the period under report 22720 nos. of children (6 months to 6 years), 5014 nos. of pregnant and lactating mothers were provided with supplementary nutrition everyday in 353 nos. of Anganwadi centres. In pre-schools 10873 nos. of children attended everyday in all centres. On and average two mothers meetings have been organised in each centre every month. The sector meeting were also held in every month among the Anganwadi Workers and Supervisors every month as well as monthly meeting at Office & 4rth Saturday meeting among at Panchayet Office among Health Supervisors, ANM, ICDS Supervisors and Panchayet functionaries.


VHND programme has been organised in every month at Anganwadi Centres/Sub Centres in collaboration with the Health Department. The pregnant & lactating mothers from the Anganwadi Centres attended the session for Health Check up, immunisation etc. The awareness programme, immunisation programme, distribution of Folifer tablets, counselling of mothers were also held during the session. It was also prepared due list of immunisation for the children in the next VHND.

AKBY (Anganwadi Karya Karti Bima Yojona:                                            

AKBY is now converted to PMJJY/PMSBY& AKBY. The following AWWs, AWHs are enrolled in their different schemes as per norms.

Status of AKBY, PMJJBY and  PMSBY


All the Anganwadi Workers & Helpers actively participated in the Pulse-Polio Programme around the year & supplied Khichuri with full boiled egg to the children as per order of authority though the programme held on Sunday.


During the period under report, 25 (nos.) Anganwadi Centres under different Gram Panchayet areas were converted into Sishu Aloy popularly known as Model Anganwadi Centre. The Shishu Aloys were inagurated by B.D.O, Prodhan, Members of Gram Panchayet, Karmadksha Nalhati-I Panchayet Samity. Few of the centres were also inguarated by the Teachers of the concerned AWCs. Now 44 nos Shishu Aloys are running at Nalhati-I ICDS Project.


Health check up camp were organised in every month in collaboration with Nalhati BPHC. In a day as fixed the children of two/three AWCs were checked up by the Medical Officer.


The Nutrition Week was celebrated at the premises of Bhabanandapur Primary School in collaboration with District ICDS Cell (Birbhum) to discuss the Nutritious food provided to children in correct time. During the session impotance of breast feeding for lactating childred were also discusssed. Dr.Ashis Banerjee, MIC, Department of Agriculture inagurated the programme. He stressed the needs for Home based food for eradication of malnutrition of children & mothers.

MLA Nalhati Constituency, District Programme Officer ICDS Cell (Birbhum), BDO Nalhati Dev. Block, Medical Officers of Nalhati-I BPHC, Head Master of Bhabanandapur High & Primary School and Assistant Director of Agriculture were remained present and delivered valuable talks about Nutrition of children and others. Parents distinguished person of villagers, Panchayet Members, Teachers, AWWs, ASHAs, Health Workers participated in the programme.

ECCE Day celebration: 

Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE) day was celebrated in each of Shishu Aloy on 3rd Monday every month.On the occasion parents ,Panchyet members,Teachers,ASHA workers were invited to participate actively. The anual ECCE day on 11.12.2018 was celebrated at Block meeting Hall Nalhati-I Block to discuss about the various issues of early childhood development and sought cooperation for smooth running the Shishu Aloy activities actively. BDO Nalhati-I Dev. Block initiated the discussion and talked about the importance of Shishu Aloy in pre-school education. Beside Sabhapati Nalhati-I Panchayet Samity, Karmadhksha Nari-O-Shishu Kalyan Jana Swastha were also remained present and gave valuable suggestions. Mothers, AWWs ASHAs, Health Workers, Panchayet Members participated in this programme.